Saturday, March 19, 2011

Busy day

Today has be a hectic busy day.Woke up at 9oclock to do some yard work and just now got finished with it all.
Chopped down 2 trees cleans out the flower bed and hauled it all off. My body is acheing. And gonna have to finish the job next week ene. Im about to take a shower and take a nap. Thanks for reading. and thank you to all my followers!


  1. oh wow sounds awesome actually.. i wish sometimes i could be in nature whenever i wanted to.

  2. Sounds like a really tough day hope you have a more relaxing one tomorrow

  3. It's good to productive with your time. I waste too much on the computer.

  4. Chopped down 2 trees! dang busy day!

  5. I couldn't chop 2 trees down, good work

  6. Yard work is quite rewarding though, you can really see the benefits after a while

  7. I feel you. I got rid of some ugly bushes in my parents back yard that pretty much spanned the entire length. It was one of those bushes that had like 20 roots in the ground per bush. Needless to say I'd been using the chainsaw all day.
